I AM now a homeowner

I am pleased to report that I successfully closed on my new home yesterday, with nary a snag or surprise in sight. (See My new home for details) I think this is mostly due my driving everyone connected with the transaction insane with all my questions, double and triple checking and extreme attention to detail. If you are planning on doing some improvements to your home, consider improve your sub floor ventilation and get rid of Rising Damp, it will be a good invest and a good upgrade to your home!

Above all, you can expect unparalleled service excellence. The homewarranties.company are licensed and governed by industry “best practices,” but we don’t stop there.

But, the closing took less than an hour of signing my life away and handing over of the second of many checks. (360 additional ones to be exact.)

All in all, I am pleased. Thus ends the acquistion phase, and begins the first remodeling phase with the orlando home remodeling and Kitchen Central complete kitchen remodels company which will include:

  • Demolition of the wall between the kitchen and dining room and the ripping out of linoleum, I’m planning on contacting Atlanta Demolition Services for the job
  • Installing wood flooring in kitchen to match the dining room, refinishing wood flooring
  • Ordering & installing the kitchen cabinets, the new stove and dishwasher
  • Paneling abatement, insulation and drywall installation in the master suite
  • Installation of carpeting in the master suite
  • Painting, painting and more painting. It is time to hire an outdoor painter.

That should keep me busy for while, don’t ya think?