Classes Spring 2005

I think I can actually see the provberial light at the end of the tunnel. After this spring term at UMUC,(pronounced:”UMM- ick” by UMUC alumni) I will be a mere 13 classes away from my long awaited, long longed for and agonized over bachelor’s of science degree. Proposed date of graduation: End of Summer 2006.

13 must be my lucky number as it also is the number of credits I am taking this term. Here’s the dizzying array of scintillating classes inwhich I have enrolled:

  • World History of Art (online)
    Snooty class full of “shalls, old world manners and masterpeices of art.” Lord, I’ve died and gone to heaven!
  • Biology 101 (online)
    Ugh, science, almost as bad as math…
  • Biology 102 Required Lab (online)
    Yeah, we all wanna know how you dissect a frog online
  • Drawing 3
    – They finally let me use color!
  • Introduction to Painting
    – wee! finger painting here I come!

So if it seems I have no time for you, don’t take it personally. I don’t have time for anyone. 😉